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Opt-In Policy

In accordance with the recently passed Do Not Call Legislation, please note that by contacting Pinnacle Health Group, you are hereby giving your consent to be contacted by Pinnacle via email, personal telephone number, or by other means of communication.

In addition our Opt-In policy includes:

Consent Source: Consent for receiving emails must be obtained directly from the recipient. We do not accept blanket consent or consent gathered from third parties, including purchased lists, lead generators, or affiliates.

Choice to Provide Consent: Before receiving emails, each recipient must be given a clear choice to either provide or withhold their consent to receive emails from us.

Sender Identification: When obtaining consent, we will clearly identify ourselves as the sender of the emails. This identification will be maintained throughout our communication.

Purpose and Content: Recipients will be informed about how their email address will be used and the nature of the content they will receive from us.

Withdrawal of Consent: Recipients will be informed of how to withdraw their consent to receive emails at any time. Instructions for opting out will be clearly provided in every email communication.

Re-consent after Non-engagement: If a recipient shows an extended period of non-engagement, we will seek affirmative consent again before sending further emails.

Privacy Statement

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