Is the Internet replacing traditional methods of physician recruiting? While the Internet provides unique advantages in recruiting, clearly, there is no such thing as a single, “best” recruiting method.
Doctors Now Need Well-Honed Skills in Job Hunting
The nomadic career path of today’s physicians is caused in part by professional dissatisfaction, unwelcome intrusions on how they can practice medicine and diminishing job security that has long been a fact of life for most working Americans but has only recently become one for doctors.
Pinnacle Health Group Now Offers Developmental Medicine Opportunities
Pinnacle is excited to add a new Developmental Medicine opportunity section to our extensive listing of opportunities already covering over 40 specialties and sub-specialties. Our first Developmental Medicine opportunity is for a Medical Director who will manage new program development in a brand new organization. Pinnacle Health Group continues to provide great opportunities across the […]
Tips for Success on a New Job
From “More of Julie’s Tips for Success on a New Job” Don’t mention where you come from! Don’t try to change anything until you’ve been there for a while. Don’t say: “we always used to do it this way.” Only talk 25% of the time and listen 75% of the time. Listen intently. Keep eye […]
Determining what’s “educational;” defining “certification”
What constitutes a bona fide educational activity? What constitutes “certification” to perform procedures?
Certification Woes: No Boards, No Income
An increase in the failure rate for board recertification in family practice and in some internal medicine subspecialties has elevated concern among physicians who have seen colleagues without certification lose managed care contracts and the prestige associated with the higher professional recognition.
Physician Statistics Summary (1970-1999)
Physician statistics are vitally important to the efficiency and effectiveness of recruiting. Knowing these statistics helps recruiters to better understand the target market and provides a gauge for recruiters to know how much or how little of the target market they currently possess. For the physicians’ perspective, statistics help them to assess the competition or […]
Med School Applicants Drop Again
The number of applicants to US medical schools fell again in 1998, to 41,004, according to new data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.