by Michael P. Broxterman, COO & Wendy Abdo, Staff Writer – Pinnacle Health Group
Most physicians feel it is crucial to work for a medical facility where they are valued and respected. Add to this the importance of appropriate compensation, proper utilization of medical skills, and a good community environment, and you have a complete made-to-order recipe for the future. Yet, knowing what you want and putting forth the effort in finding the elusive job opportunity is another thing altogether. Instead of relying on your own limited resources, why not draw on the unlimited resources of a reputable physician recruitment firm? They have job listings from thousands of hospitals and medical facilities throughout the United States and Canada who are actively looking for general practitioners and specialists to fill their needs. Below we have outlined some of the top reasons why a recruitment firm can help you in your search for the perfect job.
Key Points in Your Decision To Use a Recruiting Firm
1. Saves You Time and Effort?
Let’s face it. Time is money. In economics, time is the biggest constraint, and in an economy with limited resources, you must determine whether the time and effort you are putting into your search will be worth the end result. The more difficult-to-place your specialty is, the more time and energy it will take you to secure a position, and this will increase your opportunity costs significantly. Therefore, using a physician recruitment firm could definitely be worth the cost of your time and effort, especially when it is a free service to you.
2. Gives You The Best Match?
Your worst case scenario is when you sign up with a medical center and then later discover that you have incorporated yourself in the wrong environment. The associated risks are extremely high. Not only is this a waste of your time, but it may put your family in jeopardy when, after just relocating to a new area, you must again uproot the family and move away. Are you willing to take these risks? An experienced, well-established recruitment firm will take the guesswork out of the search process by providing you with all the information you will need to make an informed decision on whether to sign the contract or not.
3. How Much LegWork Are You Willing To Do?
To find the right medical facility, it takes an enormous effort. This entails countless telephone calls to all the right people, diligent searches in numerous job databases, reviewing and responding to ad placements, and personal and professional networking. If this is too much for you to deal with, then you may want to find an expert physician recruitment firm to handle the “dirty work” for you.
4. Negotiation Pressures?
Negotiations between you and the hospital of your choice can become tense. This is bad news for you, since it is crucial to start off your relationship with the hospital well. So how can you maintain a positive, professional relationship with the medical facility while ironing out hairy details of the contract? By incorporating a third party recruitment firm to act as a liaison between you and the hospital. Both of you will feel more comfortable dealing with a recruitment firm during negotiations than directly with each other. Both will benefit and this, in turn, will promote a more positive work relationship for the future.
5. Recruitment Firms Do More Than Find Jobs?
In addition to matching you up with potential employers that fit your criteria, a good recruitment firm will go a step further. For instance, some firms may offer you licensure assistance. They can help facilitate the licensure process by submitting the proper documentation to the right individuals and afterwards follow-up until the process is complete; thus, ensuring you acquire your license in a timely manner. Recruitment firms can also aid foreign doctors who seek visa extensions by putting them in contact with the proper attorneys.
6. You Have More Choices With a Recruitment Firm?
A recruitment firm has many different types of medical facilities actively looking for physicians such as newly forming practices, large already-established practices, multi-national care providers, hospitals, HMO’s, and integrated health care delivery systems. Depending on what you are looking for, a recruitment firm can offer more choices.
A physician recruitment firm takes the hard work out of your job search. After discussing your requirements with a consultant, the consultant will weed through all available positions until he or she finds the right match for you. In addition, the recruitment firm and medical facility will be responsible for making all the interview arrangements on your behalf. Job interviews are meticulously arranged around your busy schedule, and you will be given important information on the local and surrounding communities to help you make the best decision for yourself and your family. If your time is limited and it is important for you to find the best possible job opportunities, then you have nothing to lose by incorporating the help of a reputable physician recruitment firm. By utilizing their resources, you will tap into a treasure-trove of expert knowledge, in-depth experience, and a plethora of choices.
Stepnick, Larry. The Advisory Board Company. Physician Recruitment: Ten Management Practices of Top Hospital Recruiters. The Advisory Board Company: 1992.