PHG is currently attending the Anesthesiology Annual Meeting in San Francisco. And just a quick side note on conventions and trade shows – are they now back in favor? Prior to the pandemic, we attended approximately 24 shows a year. This was a mix of hospital state conventions and physician specialty conferences. In addition we also attended several shows that were directed at residents and fellows who are looking for jobs. Currently the number of conventions we are attending is significantly lower, but there is also a reduction in the overall number of shows.
We always look for a return on investment, and we have found that any show that had a strong attendance in the past continues to be almost as strong as it was before. Smaller or sparsely attended shows are no longer being held so it appears only the stronger conventions have survived. For now the new normal seems to be only attending the strong shows that have good content and attendance, and we believe going forward that the best approach is to only attend the top shows and really not to overdo it.