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PHG Finds a Pediatrician for a Health Center in Mississippi!

The Need: A healthcare facility in northwestern Mississippi needed an additional pediatrician to help minimize ER admissions and improve its primary care workforce. The main challenge was to find a doctor who not only would fit into the culture, but would also be open to working in a federally qualified health center, which often provides below average compensation.

Pinnacle Health Group accepted the challenge of finding a quality physician with tight parameters. We partnered with the healthcare organization and worked swiftly in creating a community profile and assessing what recruitment approach would work best for the facility.

The Action: Pinnacle Health Group utilizes various recruiting methods including internet sourcing, direct mail, e-mail campaigns, or leads referred from other physician recruiters. We use a holistic approach to ensure that we make the perfect match for each and every practice opportunity.

To address our client’s need to hire an additional pediatrician, Pinnacle Health Group deployed direct mail and internet sourcing campaigns. We also tapped niche networking venues such as residency and fellowship programs, which proved to be the most effective in getting excellent responses for this opportunity.

The Result: Pinnacle Health Group was able to find a pediatrician who was interested in the position due to its close proximity to her family. The administrators gave her a job offer right after the interview.  Despite initial concerns about working for a federally qualified health center, she was thrilled with the prospect of partnering with a nearby hospital and covering its nursery. This in turn will help her generate additional income. After a second site visit, the physician signed an agreement to work at the facility.

With proactive communication and an outstanding collaborative effort, Pinnacle Health Group has once again exceeded both client and physician expectations!

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